After more than a year of development we are proud to announce release of a new major Automation Workshop version — v2.0.0. This release introduces two new action categories — Compare and Flow. From now on it is easier than ever to create tasks, that have easy to use comparison logic included right into the task without writing a single line of code. You can use comparison actions to check for file / folder existence with various options, such as, folder is empty, file is accessible, and much more. Also, you can use generic IF, that supports various data types out of the box, for example, strings (text starts with, text ends with, text contains, etc.), numbers (equal, grater than, less than, etc.), and even PCRE compatible Regular Expressions for advanced users.

Read more about conditional branching: action flow explained.
If you are one of Automation Workshop users that has many tasks in multiple folders, then you can take advantage of Task Finder — a new tool that allows you to quickly find task by name, trigger/action count, and more.
Version 2.0 is fully compatible with Windows 8.1 and Windows Server 2012 R2, and also introduces a numerous bug-fixes and improvements.
Use links below to check out new features, and download the latest version!
- Automation Workshop home
- Release notes
- Free downloads: 32-bit / 64-bit