Today (Aug 13, 2014) we are proud to announce the release of free edition of our flagship software product – Automation Workshop. We believe that our step will attract much more attention, and to not confuse commercial and freeware communities, we have created dedicated website for it. AutomationWorkshop.org is a new official home for Automation Workshop Free Edition.
When you visit AutomationWorkshop.org, the first thing you notice is the counter, besides that it is very beautiful site with very pleasant typography. The counter does not show zero as you have expected for the software that has just been released. It shows a little more than 300,000 downloads.

The count comes from all Automation Workshop downloads, not just these of Freeware kind. We celebrated 100,000 downloads a little more than two years ago. Also, the version number is not v1.0, but the same as for commercial version – v2.1.0. File is signed with cryptographic certificate and some popular cryptographic hash check-sums are provided. The official download page is here.
For more screenshots, visit the screenshot section.
Automation Workshop Free Edition works on all Microsoft Windows versions including Windows 7, Vista, Windows 8 and 8.1, and Servers 2003, 2008, 2012.
What’s next? Get involved! Here are some ideas on how you can help us to spread the word about this awesome piece of software.