File name of 255 characters and path up to 32,727 symbols are supported by Automation Workshop

There are certain limits of file name and path lengths in the Microsoft Windows. These limits are very high for most practical purposes, thus not encountered very often, and because of that, are somewhat vaguely understood. In this discussion I am mainly going to refer to NTFS file system as the currently most advanced file …

Freeware edition of the Automation Workshop is available

Today (Aug 13, 2014) we are proud to announce the release of free edition of our flagship software product – Automation Workshop. We believe that our step will attract much more attention, and to not confuse commercial and freeware communities, we have created dedicated website for it. is a new official home for Automation …

All Febooti apps are compatible with Windows 8

We are proud to announce that all of our software programs are Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012 RC compatible. The official release of Windows Server 2012 is scheduled to early September. We will do another round of extensive testing at that time and most probably we will be compatible with Windows Server 2012 without …

Version 1.2.2 of Automation Workshop released

A new version of Automation Workshop released. Version 1.2.2 fixes one rare and in the same time serious bug, where server machine in domain can run out of resources because Automation Workshop is spawning too many Service Agents. This can be observed using Windows Task Manager — multiple AutomationWorkshopAgent.exe programs are running under the same …

Folders can not have a dot at the end

Automation Workshop have a small UI glitch. When you try to rename folder by appending one or more dots “.” at the end of the folder name, nothing happens. Dots just disappear. This behavior is caused because of the way Windows handles file/folder renames, and Automation Workshop uses OS File System folders behind the scenes. …