Schedule and automate tasks on multiple Windows computers with Automation Workshop v6.0.0

Automation Workshop v6 introduces Remote Tools, Global Variables, Task Execution Policy (Schedule), and a ton of other improvements and bugfixes. The newest release brings remote task automation to an entirely new level. Now it’s possible to automate and schedule your workflows on hundreds or even thousands of computers with a few mouse clicks. You asked …

Automation Workshop v5.5 released

We have released a new update for our flagship no-code tool for Windows—Automation Workshop v5.5. The update features a couple non-critical bug fixes, a lot of improvements, 2 new Triggers, and 3 new Actions. This is a free upgrade for all registered users. Download now! As of today Automation Workshop supports Google Cloud Storage and …

Major update to v5.0.0 of Automation Workshop introduces Text to Speech and Trigger Manager

We are excited to announce the major upgrade for Automation Workshop. The version v5.0 introduces 6 new Actions, the Trigger Manager, and a lot of improvements. One of the most requested feature is the Trigger Manager. It allows to view upcoming schedules for all the Triggers, but this feature is particularly interesting for the users …

Automation Workshop v4.5 released

We heard your feedback and we’re taking action! We have added your long awaited subscription plans. Now you can split payments to smaller ones: monthly or quarterly. The new subscriptions come with great benefits. Once subscribed, you will have free minor and major updates available without any additional fees. You can upgrade and downgrade anytime …

Automation Workshop v4.0 introduces FTP & Cloud actions

Automation Workshop 4th version is another major milestone that brings a completely redesigned user interface along with new cloud actions and triggers. As Windows 7 EOL is approaching rapidly, we have aligned the user experience to the new UI paradigm that matches Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016/2019 user experience. While the new interface looks …